Researching the European Court of Justice : Methodological Shifts and Law's Embeddedness

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Auteur principal: Madsen, Mikael Rask. (Directeur de la publication)
Autres auteurs: Nicola, Fernanda. (Directeur de la publication), Vauchez, Antoine.
Support: E-Book
Langue: Anglais
Publié: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.
Collection: Studies on International Courts and Tribunals
Autres localisations: Voir dans le Sudoc
Résumé: The book provides new methodological tools and approaches to the study of the European Court of Justice and its embeddedness in European society and economy. It introduces cutting-edge research in the fields of history, sociology, political science and linguistics to novel accounts of the actors and dynamics behind the Court
Accès en ligne: Accès à l'E-book
Lien: Collection principale: Studies on International Courts and Tribunals
+ d'infos
Résumé:The book provides new methodological tools and approaches to the study of the European Court of Justice and its embeddedness in European society and economy. It introduces cutting-edge research in the fields of history, sociology, political science and linguistics to novel accounts of the actors and dynamics behind the Court
ISBN:9781009049818 (PDF)
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