Interwar East Central Europe, 1918-1941 : the failure of democracy-building, the fate of minorities

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Détails bibliographiques
Auteur principal: Ramet, Sabrina Petra (1949-....). (Directeur de la publication)
Support: E-Book
Langue: Anglais
Publié: New York : Routledge.
Collection: Routledge studies in modern European history
Autres localisations: Voir dans le Sudoc
Résumé: "This monograph focuses on the challenges which interwar regimes faced and how they coped with them in the aftermath of World War I, focusing especially on the failure to establish and stabilize democratic regimes, as well as on the fate of ethnic and religious minorities. Topics explored include the political systems and how they changed during the two decades under review, land reform, Church-state relations, and culture. Countries studied include Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Romania, Bulgaria, and Albania"--
Accès en ligne: Accès à l'E-book
Lien: Collection principale: Routledge studies in modern European history

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