The doctrine of grace in the Apostolic Fathers

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Détails bibliographiques
Publié dans: Twentieth Century Religious Thought. volume I, Christianity
Auteur principal: Torrance, Thomas Forsyth (1913-2007). (Auteur)
Support: E-Book
Langue: Anglais
Publié: Alexandria, VA : Alexander Street Press, 2017.
Autres localisations: Voir dans le Sudoc
Résumé: T.F. Torrance aims in this book to discover how and why there came about in the early history of the Christian Church the enormous difference that exists between the faith of the New Testament and that of the second and third centuries. He explores how the concept of grace is distinctively characteristic of every doctrine of the New Testament, and yet at the same time is the most sensitive to change
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Lien: Dans: Twentieth Century Religious Thought. volume I, Christianity
Autre support: The doctrine of grace in the Apostolic Fathers /
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Résumé:T.F. Torrance aims in this book to discover how and why there came about in the early history of the Christian Church the enormous difference that exists between the faith of the New Testament and that of the second and third centuries. He explores how the concept of grace is distinctively characteristic of every doctrine of the New Testament, and yet at the same time is the most sensitive to change
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