Hope and solidarity : Jon Sobrino's challenge to Christian theology

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Détails bibliographiques
Publié dans: Twentieth Century Religious Thought. volume I, Christianity
Autres auteurs: Pope, Stephen J.,. (1955-). (Éditeur scientifique)
Support: E-Book
Langue: Anglais
Publié: Alexandria, VA : Alexander Street Press, 2014.
Autres localisations: Voir dans le Sudoc
Accès en ligne: Accès à l'E-book
Accès sur la plateforme ISTEX (corpus Proquest TCRT)
Lien: Dans: Twentieth Century Religious Thought. volume I, Christianity
Autre support: Hope and solidarity
Table des matières:
  • Theology
  • Theology and solidarity : learning from Sobrino's method / Dean Brackley
  • Theology in the light of human suffering : a note on "taking the crucified down from the cross" / Paul G. Crowley
  • Visions and revisions : the hermeneutical implications of the option for the poor / William O'Neill
  • On not "abandoning the historical world to its wretchedness" : a prophetic voice serving an incarnational vision / Stephen J. Pope
  • The mystery of God and compassion for the poor : the spiritual basis of theology / J. Matthew Ashley
  • Jesus Christ and Christology
  • What got Jesus killed? Sobrino's historical-theological reading of Scripture / Daniel J. Harrington
  • The Christology of Jon Sobrino / Roberto S. Goizueta
  • Hermeneutics and theology in Sobrino's Christology / Rafael Luciani
  • Central themes in Sobrino's Christology / Jorge Costadoat
  • Hope and the kingdom of God : Christology and eschatology in Latin American liberation theology / Félix Palazzi
  • Interpreting the notification : Christological issues / William Loewe
  • The church and ecclesiology
  • A church rooted in mercy : ecclesial signposts in Sobrino's theology / Thomas M. Kelly
  • The faith of the church, the magisterium, and the theologian : proper and improper interpretations of the notification / James T. Bretzke
  • Moral theology and the Christian life
  • Radicalizing the comprehensiveness of mercy : Christian identity in theological ethics / James F. Keenan
  • Mercy and justice in the face of suffering : the preferential option for the poor / Joseph Curran
  • Power and the preferential option for the poor / Margaret R. Pfeil
  • Liberation theology and Catholic social teaching / Kenneth R. Himes
  • Christ and kingdom : the identity of Jesus and Christian politics / Lisa Sowle Cahill