Bread not stone : the challenge of feminist biblical interpretation : with a new afterword

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Détails bibliographiques
Publié dans: Twentieth Century Religious Thought. volume I, Christianity
Auteur principal: Schüssler Fiorenza, Elisabeth (1938-). (Auteur)
Support: E-Book
Langue: Anglais
Publié: Alexandria, VA : Alexander Street Press, 2014.
Édition: Edition révisée.
Autres localisations: Voir dans le Sudoc
Accès en ligne: Accès à l'E-book
Accès sur la plateforme ISTEX (corpus Proquest TCRT)
Lien: Dans: Twentieth Century Religious Thought. volume I, Christianity
Autre support: Bread not stone : the challenge of feminist biblical interpretation / Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza
Table des matières:
  • Women-church : the hermeneutical center of feminist biblical interpretation
  • "For the sake of our salvation--" : biblical interpretation and the community of faith
  • The function of scripture in the liberation struggle : a critical feminist hermeneutics and liberation theology
  • Discipleship and patriarchy : toward a feminist evaluative hermeneutics
  • Remembering the past in creating the future : historical-critical scholarship and feminist-critical interpretation
  • Toward a critical-theological self-understanding of biblical scholarship
  • Afterword : a crticial theory and practice of feminist interpretation for liberation revisited