Varieties of democracy : measuring two centuries of political change

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Détails bibliographiques
Auteur principal: Coppedge, Michael (1957-....). (Éditeur scientifique)
Support: E-Book
Langue: Anglais
Publié: Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press.
Autres localisations: Voir dans le Sudoc
Résumé: Varieties of Democracy is the essential user's guide to The Varieties of Democracy project (V-Dem), one of the most ambitious data collection efforts in comparative politics. This global research collaboration sparked a dramatic change in how we study the nature, causes, and consequences of democracy. This book is ambitious in scope: more than a reference guide, it raises standards for causal inferences in democratization research and introduces new, measurable, concepts of democracy and many political institutions. Varieties of Democracy enables anyone interested in democracy - teachers, students, journalists, activists, researchers and others - to analyze V-Dem data in new and exciting ways. This book creates opportunities for V-Dem data to be used in education, research, news analysis, advocacy, policy work, and elsewhere. V-Dem is rapidly becoming the preferred source for democracy data.
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